Dr. Nils Grashof

Nils Grashof
Nils Grashof
Image: Nils Grashof
  • PostDoc
  • Project "(Autonome) Hochschulen im
    dynamischen Wettbewerb"


Dr. Nils Grashof
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3, room 5.22
D-07743 Jena

Tel: +49 (0)3641 943 203

E-mail: nils.grashof@uni-jena.de

Consultation hours: by appointment

Main fields of research & interest

  • Economics of Innovation
  • (Regional) Sustainability Transitions
  • Network Analysis
  • Regional Economics (regional innovation systems, effects of clusters)
  • Structural and societal change

Research GateExternal link
ORCIDExternal link
Google ScholarExternal link

  • Curriculum vitae
    • Since 05/2021

    Post-doc researcher, Chair of Economics/Microeconomics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

    • 09/2023-12/2023

    Visiting research fellow, Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research (SCANCOR), Stanford University, USA

    • 10/2020-04/2021

    Post-doc researcher, Centre for Regional and Innovation Economics (CRIE), University of Bremen, Germany

    Research Projects:

    • Laboratory Manager of the Bremen Research & Policy Lab (BreLAB) at the University of Bremen
    • Transformationsorientierte Innovationspolitik in der Bioökonomie - Stand, Potenziale und Strategien (BioTOP) funded by the BMBF

    • 09/2020
      PhD in Economics, University of Bremen, Thesis title: "Regional clusters: Really the place to be? - A multidimensional investigation of firm performance within clusters" (degree: Dr. rer. pol.; Grade: summa cum laude)
    • 03/2016-09/2020
      Scientific Assistant/Doctoral student, Centre for Regional and Innovation Economics (CRIE), University of Bremen, Germany

    Research Projects:

    • Transformationsorientierte Innovationspolitik in der Bioökonomie - Stand, Potenziale und Strategien (BioTOP) funded by the BMBF
    • Evaluierung der Förderinitiative "Zwanzig20 - Partnerschaft für Innovation" funded by the BMBF
    • Internationalisierung von Spitzenclustern, Zukunftsprojekten und vergleichbaren Netzwerken (InterSpiN/InterSpiN+) funded by the BMBF

    • 10/2013-11/2015
      M.A. in International Management Studies - Spanish, European-University in Flensburg, Germany

    • 07/2012 - 12/2012
      Semester abroad at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Chile

    • 10/2010-10/2013
      B.Sc. in International Management - Spanish, European-University in Flensburg, Germany
  • Publications

    Peer-reviewed journals


    Edited volumes / Book chapters

    • Grashof, N., Brenner, T. (2021). Radical innovations in cluster - The role of cluster internal and external relationships. In: Fornahl, D., Grashof, N. (eds.), Regional cluster in the Global Economy - Between localization and internationalization advantages. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
    • Grashof, N., Fornahl, D., Becker, J. (2021). Regional clusters and internationalization - Complementary or contrasting fields of research?. In: Fornahl, D., Grashof, N. (eds.), Regional cluster in the Global Economy - Between localization and internationalization advantages. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
    • Fornahl, D., Grashof, N., Kopka, A. (2020). Nachhaltigkeit in Zeiten künstlicher Intelligenz - Teil oder Lösung des Problems?. In: Hartard, S., Schaffer, A. (eds.), Mensch und Technik - Perspektiven einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft. Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg.
    • Fornahl, D., Grashof, N., Söllner, C. (2018). Effects of Being Located in a Cluster on Economic Actors. In: Belussi, F., Hervas-Oliver, J.-L. (eds.), Agglomeration and Firm Performance (pp. 11-24). Springer, Cham.

    Working Papers

    Other contributions

    • Grashof, N. (2021). Bioökonomie - Regional gedacht. Expertenbeitrag im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsjahres 2020/21
    • Grashof, N. (2020). Auf dem Weg zur Bioökonomie: Potentiale identifizieren und nutzen. Expertenbeitrag im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsjahres 2020/21
  • Teaching
    • Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre - Übung (winter term 2019/2020, University of Bremen)
    • Supervision of Seminar, Bachelor and Master Thesis
  • Scholarships, grants & awards
    • Hans-Adolf-Rossen Award for the Master's thesis: "Pioniervorteile in Plattformmärkten - Darstellung und kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem First-Mover Advantage in Plattformmärkten und dessen strategischer Relevanz für Tesla Motors" (Pioneer Advantages in platform markets - Presentation and critical analysis of the First-Mover Advantage in platform markets and its strategic relevance for Tesla Motors)
    • Segnitz Award (2021) for the outstanding dissertation at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen: "Regional clusters: Really the place to be? - A multidimensional investigation of firm performance within clusters"
  • Conferences & workshops

    Presentations at conferences and workshops

    • 07/2021 18. International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference, Online conference
    • 06/2021 Regions in Recovery: Building Sustainable Futures, Online conference
    • 02/2021 9. Norddeutsches WiGeo-Doktoranden-Kolloquium, Online seminar
    • 01/2021 Invited talk at the Jena Economic Research Seminar (JERS) Winter Term 2020/21, Online seminar, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
    • 11/2020 3rd International workshop on Rethinking Clusters: Place-based initiatives for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, Online workshop
    • 07/2020 Invited talk at Plan B - Bioökonomie für industrielle und urbane Räume in Baden-Württemberg: Umsetzung der Landesstrategie, invitation from BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH
    • 06/2019 2nd InterSpiN Workshop "Multinational enterprises in regional clusters - A promising nexus? -", in Bremen (Germany)
    • 06/2019 RSA Annual Conference: Pushing Regions Beyond Their Borders, in Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
    • 05/2019 2nd International workshop on Rethinking Clusters: The local and global scale of Sustainability Transitions, in Padua (Italy), Special Session: Radical Innovations
    • 07/2018 PhD Workshop "Innovation, Growth and Economic Geography", in Bremen (Germany)
    • 06/2018 2nd Research Symposium: Networks in changing business ecosystems, in Kolding (Denmark)
    • 05/2018 1st InterSpiN Workshop "Regional Clusters in a global world: Between localization and internationalization advantages", in Bremen (Germany)
    • 05/2018 Jena Lecture Series Workshop "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development - Concepts and Measurements", in Jena (Germany), Session: Perspectives on Innovation
    • 01/2018 1st International workshop on Rethinking Clusters: Critical Issues and new trajectories of cluster research, in Florence (Italy), Session: Cluster life cycle and evolutionary trajectories of local systems
    • 01/2018 Geography of Innovation Conference, in Barcelona (Spain), Session: Industrial districts, clusters and the geography of innovation
    • 08/2017 ERSA Congress, in Groningen (Netherlands), Special Session: Place-based Policies and International Embeddedness
    • 06/2017 1st Research Symposium: Networks in changing business ecosystems, in Flensburg (Germany)
    • 06/2017 Invited talk at the Heilbronner Symposium: Evolution, Co-Evolution and Regional Innovation Processes, in Heilbronn (Germany)
    • 06/2017 RSA Annual Conference: The Great Awakening: New directions, in Dublin (Ireland)
    • 03/2017 7. Norddeutsches WiGeo-Doktoranden-Kolloquium, in Kiel (Germany)
    • 09/2016 & 10/2016 International PhD course on Economic Geography, in Utrecht (Netherlands), Main theme: Geography of entrepreneurship, networks and transition


    Organized conferences and workshops

    • 10/2020 BioTOP Workshop "Accelerating green innovations - A new chapter in transition studies -", Online workshop
    • 09/2020 3rd InterSpiN Workshop "Regional clusters in a globalized economy - A human capital perspective -", Online workshop
    • 09/2019 2nd Bremen Innovation and Economic Research Workshop "Artificial Intelligence - Between Panacea and Skynet", in Bremen (Germany)
    • 06/2019 2nd InterSpiN Workshop "Multinational enterprises in regional clusters - A promising nexus? -", in Bremen (Germany)
    • 05/2018 InterSpiN Workshop "Regional Clusters in a global world: Between localization and internationalization advantages", in Bremen (Germany)