

Foto: E.Jahn

Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Nicolas Zacharias

I. Veröffentlichungen in referierten Zeitschriften

  • Neuroticism and the Sales Profession, 2024, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 184, 1-19 (mit Johannes Habel, Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, Nathaniel Hartmann, Ad de Jong und Fabian Kosse).

  • The Stress of Prospecting: Salesperson Genetics and Managerial Remedies, 2024, Industrial Marketing Management, 120, 146-159 (mit Christian Winter, Ad de Jong und Johannes Habel).
  • Which Collaborations Allow Firms to Become Gatekeepers? A Longitudinal Analysis of a Large-scale Collaboration Network, 2023, European Management Journal, 41, 2, 263-273 (mit Dace Daldere und Oliver Hinz).

  • Resource Acquisition and Opportunistic Behaviour in Open Innovation Relationships: The Contingency Effects of an Open Organizational Context, 2022, International Journal of Innovation Management, 26, 1, 1-36 (mit Dace Daldere).

  • How Young Companies Can Effectively Manage Their Slack Resources Over Time to Ensure Sales Growth: The Contingent Role of Value-Based Selling, 2021, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 2, 304-326 (mit Ad de Jong und Edwin Nijssen).

  • Variety Is the Spice of Life: How Much Partner Alignment Is Preferable in Open Innovation Activities to Enhance Firms’ Adaptiveness and Innovation Success?, 2020, Journal of Business Research, 117, 290-301 (mit Dace Daldere und Christian Winter).

  • How Do Strategy and Leadership Styles Jointly Affect Co-Development and Its Innovation Outcomes?, 2017, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34, 2, 201-222 (mit Ruth Stock und Armin Schnellbächer). Video-Link Externer Link zu den Forschungsergebnissen.
  • Frontline Employees’ Innovative Service Behavior as Key to Customer Loyalty: Insights into FLEs’ Resource Gain Spiral, 2017, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34, 2, 223-245 (mit Ruth Stock und Ad de Jong).
  • Strategic Givens in New Product Development: Understanding Curvilinear Effects on New Product Performance, 2017, International Journal of Innovation Management, 21, 1, 1-31 (mit Ruth Stock und Subin Im).
  • Effective Configurations of Value Creation and Capture Capabilities: Extending Treacy and Wiersema's Value Disciplines, 2016, Journal of Business Research, 69, 10, 4121-4131 (mit Edwin Nijssen und Ruth Stock).
  • Nonlinear and Dynamic Effects of Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation: A Longitudinal Investigation, 2016, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33, 4, 767-779 (mit Nikolai Jäger und Malte Brettel).
  • Salespersons’ Empathy as a Missing Link in the Customer Orientation—Loyalty Chain: An Investigation of Drivers and Age Differences as a Contingency, 2016, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 36, 3, 221-239 (mit Gisela Gerlach, Kai Rödiger und Ruth Stock).
  • CEO Influences on Firms’ Strategic Actions: A Comparison of CEO-, Firm-, and Industry-Level Effects, 2015, Journal of Business Research, 68, 11, 2338-2346 (mit Björn Six, Dirk Schiereck und Ruth Stock).
  • A Closer Look at Cross-functional R&D Cooperation for Innovativeness: Innovation-oriented Leadership and Human Resource Practices as Driving Forces, 2014, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31, 5, 924-938 (mit Ruth Stock und Florian Totzauer).
  • Linking Multiple Layers of Innovation-oriented Corporate Culture, Product Program Innovativeness, and Business Performance: A Contingency Approach, 2013, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41, 3, 283-299 (mit Ruth Stock und Björn Six).
  • Two Sides of the Same Coin: How Do Different Dimensions of Product Program Innovativeness Affect Customer Loyalty?, 2013, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30, 3, 516-532 (mit Ruth Stock).
  • Patterns and Performance Outcomes of Innovation Orientation, 2011, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39, 6, 870-888 (mit Ruth Stock).
  • Optimal Platform Investment for Product Family Design, 2008, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 19, 2, 131-148 (mit Ali Yassine).

II. Referierte Konferenzbeiträge 

  • Decoding the Link Between Innovation Orientation and Firm Performance: Longitudinal Evidence on Firm Efficiency and Market-Based Outcomes Using a Novel Text-Based Measure, 2024, 27th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Ingolstadt (mit Kevin Rocker und Nikolai Jäger).

  • AI-Human Coaching for Salespeople Learning, 2023, ANZMAC Annual Conference, Dunedin, Neuseeland (mit Ozlem Ozkok, Christian Winter, Mehdi Khiari und Laurent Scaringella).

  • Salesperson Learning from Customer Engagement with AI-Human Coach Assemblage, 2023, AMA Summer Academic Conference, San Francisco, USA (mit Ozlem Ozkok, Mehdi Khiari, Christian Winter und Laurent Scaringella).

  • How Should Firms Manage Their Ecological Innovation Assets? The Effect of Portfolio Depth and Breadth on Financial Firm Performance, 2023, R&D Management Conference, Sevilla, Spanien (mit Louisa Gropengießer-Arlt).

  • The Contingent Effects of Digital and Sustainability Orientation in the Context of Strategic Industry Settings, 2023, EMAC Annual Conference, Odense, Dänemark (mit Kevin Rocker und Nikolai Jäger).

  • The Neurotic Salesperson, 2022, AMA Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, USA (mit Ad de Jong, Johannes Habel, Nathaniel Hartmann und Selma Kadić-Maglajlić).

  • Startup Cooperation Capability: How Established Companies Can Utilize Startups’ Potential, 2022, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA (mit Nele Oldenburg).

  • Give Me Your Genes and I Tell You Your Sales Success?, 2022, AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, USA (mit Christian Winter, Ad de Jong und Johannes Habel).

  • Improving the Outcomes of Established Company - Startup Cooperation through an Overlapping Knowledge Base, 2021, Open and User Innovation Conference, Aachen (mit Nele Oldenburg).
  • The Effect Of Genetic Predispositions On Salespeople’s Canvassing And Closing, 2021, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New York City, USA (mit Christian Winter, Ad de Jong und Johannes Habel).
  • Optimizing Established Company – Startup Cooperation taking a Startup Perspective: Structured Abstract, 2021, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New York City, USA (mit Nele Oldenburg).

  • What Drives Sales Success? A Closer Look into Salespeople’s Genetic Make-Up and Personality, 2021, EMAC Annual Conference, Madrid, Spanien (mit Christian Winter, Ad de Jong und Johannes Habel).
  • Improving the Effectiveness of Cooperations between Established Companies and Startups using a Portfolio Perspective, 2020, 24th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Karlsruhe (mit Nele Oldenburg).
  • The Diverging Effect of Digitalization on Perceived Conflict during Service Provisions – An Empirical Comparison of Suppliers and Customers in the B2B Context, 2018, International Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, USA (mit Torben Stoffer und Thomas Widjaja).
  • The Effect of Service Modularity on Flexibility in the Digital Age – An Investigation in the B2B Context, 2018, 9th International Conference on Exploring Services Science – Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Karlsruhe (mit Torben Stoffer und Thomas Widjaja).
  • Which Collaborative Activities Should Firms Perform to Become Gatekeepers in Collaboration Networks, 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA (mit Dace Daldere und Oliver Hinz).
  • The Contingent Role of Value-Based Selling for the Long-Term Impacts of HR and Financial Slack on Young Firms’ Profit, 2018, Institute for the Study of Business Markets Academic Conference, Boston, USA (mit Ad de Jong und Edwin Nijssen).
  • Internal vs. Open Innovation: How Does the Interplay of R&D and Network Position Influence Innovation and Financial Performance?, 2017, 21th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Wuppertal (mit Dace Shafi und Oliver Hinz).
  • Selling Center Heterogeneity and Its Interplay with the Buying Center for Increasing Adoption of IT-Supported Service Innovations, 2017, 25th European Conference on Information Systems, Guimarães, Portugal (mit Ferdinand Rausch)
  • The Good and Bad of Ambidexterity: In Which Domains Should Firms Be Ambidextrous or Not to Foster Innovativeness?, 2017, 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa Village, USA.
  • How to Back the Right Horse: Choosing Open Innovation Activities that Support Firms’ Entrepreneurial Orientation for Adaptation to Market Change, 2016, 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norwegen (mit Dace Shafi).
  • Fostering Open Innovation Performance by Countering Relational Risk: A Network Perspective, 2016, 20th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Leipzig (mit Dace Shafi).
  • Gains and Pains of Open Innovation: Potential Remedies for the Risk of Partners’ Opportunistic Behavior, 2016, TIE Tagung, Kopenhagen, Dänemark (mit Dace Shafi).
  • How to Manage Opportunity and Risk in Open Innovation? Moderating Effects of Network Centrality and Knowledge Protection, 2016, Open and User Innovation Conference, Cambridge, USA (mit Dace Shafi).
  • The Threat Is Coming from Within: How Do Shared Mental Models of Top Management Teams Affect Overlooked Market Threats?, 2015, American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, USA (mit Ruth Stock und Katherine Xin).
  • Which Open Innovation Activities Align with Entrepreneurial Orientation when Adapting to Market Changes? A Dynamic Capability Perspective, 2015, 19th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Kassel (mit Dace Shafi).
  • Ambidextrous Ambidexterity: Two New Worlds of Exploration and Ambidexterity, 2014, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Co-Development with Customers: Investigation of Strategic Drivers and Product Innovation Outcomes, 2014, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA (mit Ruth Stock und Armin Schnellbächer).
  • Ambidextrous Ambidexterity: Two New Worlds of Exploration and Ambidexterity, 2013, TIE Tagung, St. Gallen, Schweiz.
  • Non-Linear Relationships of Executives' Strategic Actions on Innovation and New Product Performance, 2013, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), USA (mit Ruth Stock und Subin Im).
  • How Do Executives Impact New Product Performance? An Investigation of Non-Linear Effects, 2013, American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Boston, USA (mit Ruth Stock und Subin Im)
  • How Leadership and HR Systems Translate into Product Program Innovativeness, 2012, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA (mit Ruth Stock und Florian Totzauer).
  • How to Combine Product Development and Customer Relationship Activities: A Typology of Successful Marketing Strategies, 2012, 41st European Marketing Academy Conference, Lissabon, Portugal (mit Edwin Nijssen und Ruth Stock).
  • The Good and Bad of Product Program Innovativeness: Evidence from Buyer and Seller Companies, 2011, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Reims, Frankreich (mit Ruth Stock).
  • Do Innovative Products Increase Customer Loyalty? Evidence from Marketing, R&D, and Customers, 2010, 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Köln (mit Ruth Stock).
  • Optimizing Make-or-Buy Decisions in Marketing: A Formal Model Merging Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-based Theory, 2010, 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Köln (mit Ruth Stock und Niko Schmitt).
  • A Configurational Perspective on Companies’ Innovation Orientation: A Triadic Analysis, 2009, American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Tampa, USA (mit Ruth Stock).
  • Platform Investment Decisions in Product Family Design, 2007, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Las Vegas, USA (mit Ali Yassine).

III. Monographien und Beiträge zu Herausgeberbänden und Handbüchern

  • Systematisierung und Potenziale von nachhaltigen Innovationen in Produkt-Service-Systemen, 2024, in: Bruhn, Manfred/Hadwich, Karsten (Hrsg.), Sustainable Service Management, Band 1, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 561-585 (mit Louisa Gropengießer-Arlt).

  • Selected Contributions on Innovative Organizational Environments, Effectiveness of New Product Development, and Value Creation Strategies, 2017, Habilitationsschrift, Technische Universität Darmstadt.

  • An Integrative Approach to Innovation Management: Patterns of Companies’ Innovation Orientation and Customer Responses to Product Program Innovativeness, 2011, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.

  • Dienstleistungsinnovationen – Bedeutung, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, 2011, in: Bruhn, Manfred/Hadwich, Karsten (Hrsg.), Dienstleistungsproduktivität: Innovationsentwicklung, Internationalität, Mitarbeiterperspektive, Band 2, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 35-57 (mit Sebastian Dreher und Ruth Stock-Homburg).

IV. Sonstige Veröffentlichungen

  • Das richtige Maß für Innovationen, 2009, Harvard Businessmanager, 31, 7, 14-17 (mit Ruth Stock-Homburg).

  • Rezension des Buchs „Marketing-Theorie: Eine Einführung” von Alfred Kuß (2009), Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2009, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 79, 7/8, 955-956.