Graduation ceremony 2023

We congratulate our graduates!

The annual graduation ceremony took place at the beginning of December
Graduation ceremony 2023
Image: Nick Wartenberg

Published: | By: Kristina von Rhein

We are happy to share few impressions from the Faculty's annual graduation ceremony with you. The celebration took place on Friday, December 1st, 2023 in the auditorium of the university.

  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Welcome by the dean Prof. Walgenbach
    Welcome by the dean Prof. Walgenbach
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Farewell speech by Prof. Lukas
    Farewell speech by Prof. Lukas
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Award for the best of the year
    Award for the best of the year
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Teaching award for mid-level academics
    Teaching award for mid-level academics
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
  • Graduation ceremony 2023
    Graduation ceremony 2023
    Image: Nick Wartenberg
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