Konrad Stephan

Dr. Konrad Stephan

Research associate
Konrad Stephan
Image: Stefan Fedtke
Contact details
Address Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Lehrstuhl für ABWL/Operations Management
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena
Office Room 4.66, 4th floor
Phone +49 3641 9-43105
Mail konrad.stephan@uni-jena.de
Consultation hour Thursday, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. (registration recommended)


  • Curriculum vitae

    2004 - 2010: Studies in Business Mathematics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    2010 - 2016: Research assistant at the Chair for Operations Management, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    10/2016: PhD (Dr. rer. pol.), Thesis: "Optimizing material flows in hub terminals"

    Since 2016: Research associate (postdoc) at the Chair for Operations Management, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

  • Awards

    2018: Harold W. Kuhn Award 2018 (together with Prof. Dr. Nils Boysen, Prof. Dr. Simon Emde, and Markus Weiß)

Publications (effective December 17, 2019)

  1. Boysen, N.; Stephan, K.; Weidinger, F. (2019): Manual order consolidation with put walls: the batched order bin sequencing problem. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 8/2, 169-193.
  2. Boysen, N.; Scholl, J.; Stephan, K. (2017): When road trains supply freight trains: Scheduling the container loading process by gantry crane between multi-trailer trucks and freight trains. Operations Research Spectrum 39/1, 137-164.
  3. Stephan, K.; Boysen, N. (2017): Crane scheduling in railway yards: An analysis of computational complexity. Journal of Scheduling.
  4. Boysen, N.; Stephan, K. (2016): A survey on single crane scheduling in automated storage/retrieval systems. European Journal of Operational Research 254/3, 691-704.
  5. Boysen, N.; Emde, S.; Stephan, K.; Weiß, M. (2015): Synchronization in hub terminals with the circular arrangement problem. Naval Research Logistics 62/6, 454-469.
  6. Boysen, N.; Stephan, K. (2013): The deterministic product location problem under a pick-by-order policy . Discrete Applied Mathematics 161/18, 2862-2875.
  7. Stephan, K.; Boysen, N. (2011): Vis-à-vis vs. mixed dock door assignment: A comparison of different cross dock layouts. Operations Management Research 4, 150-163.
  8. Stephan, K.; Boysen, N. (2011): Cross Docking. Journal of Management Control 22, 129-137.

Working Papers

  1. Boysen, N.; Briskorn. D.; Schwerdfeger, S.; Stephan, K. (2019): Carpool formation along high-occupancy vehicle lanes. Working Paper Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
  2. Füßler, D.; Boysen, N.; Stephan, K. (2019): Trolley line picking: Storage assignment and order sequencing to increase picking performance. Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
  3. Boysen, N.; Füßler, D.; Stephan, K. (2019): See the light: Optimization of put-to-light order picking systems. Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
  4. Stephan, K.; Boysen, N.; Weidinger, F. (2019): Layout design of parking lots with mathematical programming. Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
  5. Briskorn, D.; Stephan, K.; Boysen, N. (2018): Minimizing makespan on a single machine subject to modular setups. Working Paper, FSU Jena.