Seminar Public Finance (MW23.4a) - Summer Term 2023

Empirical replication studies in economic inequality, economics of education and migration


In this seminar, students conduct their own empirical statistical analyses based on research papers on current issues in economic inequality, the economics of education, and the economics of migration. Students will have the opportunity to analyze data sets used in published papers to replicate (and possibly extend) the results shown in the literature. By conducting their own empirical analyses, they can gain practical experience in working with data sets and applying empirical methods to study relevant economic policy issues. Compared to seminar MW23.4b, the focus of this seminar is on conducting your own empirical replication analysis of existing research and discussing STATA and/or R code to arrive at these results.


It is recommended (but not required) that students have basic experience using software such as STATA and/or R. In addition, you will have to read and understand original empirical research papers as part of this course. We therefore recommend taking "Empirical Methods" (MW24.1) before this seminar.

Important Remarks

The Chair of Public Finance follows a zero-tolerance policy with respect to plagiarism. In previous seminars, up to 20% of the students failed because of plagiarism in their seminar papers. Please read again carefully the slides about plagiarism and conduct the test on "How to Cite/ How to Avoid Plagiarism" available in the Moodle-course "Approaches to Economic Science" ("WS2022-Approaches"). (If you do not have access to this Moodle-course, contact  Patrick Dylong.)

January 2023 Central registration

08 Feb 2023

10.00 - 11.00 am
For those students allocated to this seminar: Meeting and presentation of topics.
27 Feb 2023 Choice of preferred topics (see next item). The topics’ preferences serve as the basis for the allocation of topics.

14 Mar 2023
28 Mar 2023

Start of the writing period (depending on choice of start date). After receiving your topic, you have 5 weeks to complete a first version of your seminar paper. After receiving feedback from your supervisor within 1 week you have 2 more weeks to improve your paper on the basis of the supervisor's comments. 

08 May 2023
22 May 2023

Submission of the final version of your seminar paper (depending on choice of start date). The deadline is midnight from Monday to Tuesday.
Soon after Time plan for the seminar (incl. allocation of discussants)
June 2023 Seminar (blocked)


For guidelines and regulations, see hereExternal link


To submit your topic preferences and review the slides after the information event on 08 February 2023, please go to https://moodle.uni-jena.deExternal link ("Seminar Public Finance (MW23.4) - Summer Term 2023").  You will also find further information and materials on the seminar there.