PD Dr. Markus Pasche

PD Dr. Markus Pasche

Image: Markus Pasche


Senior Lecturer 
Chair of Macroeconomics
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Office:  Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3, Room 4.162, 4th floor
Phone: +49-3641-9-43213External link
Fax:      +49-3641-9-43212External link

Office hours: by appointment

Personal WebpageExternal link

RePEcExternal link


  • Research Interests
    • Behavioral Economics, i.e. Bounded Rationality, Heuristics, Methodology
    • Macroeconomics, i.e. Monetary Macroeconomics, Rationing Theory
    • Environmental Economics and Sustainability
  • Publications


    • Imperfektes Entscheidungsverhalten. Aachen 1997: Shaker Verlag.
    • Beschränkte Rationalität und Heterogenität im Oligopol. Aachen 2004: Shaker Verlag.

    Articles and Book Contributions:

    See private websiteExternal link

  • Teaching
    • Einführung in die VWL
    • Makroökonomik (in Vertretung)
    • Money and Financial Markets
    • International Trade
    • Growth and Innovation
    • IPE II: Monetary Macroeconomics (mit ANdreas Freytag)
    • Topics in Behavioral Economics
    • Approaches to Economic Science
  • Short CV
    • Since 2007: "Akademischer Rat" (comparable to Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer) at the Chair for Macroeconomics, University of Jena, Department of Economics.
    • 2007: Procuration of the Chair of Microeconomics, University of Kassel
    • 07/2004: Habilitation
    • 1996-2007: Assistant at the Chair for Macroeconomics (Prof. Dr. H.-W. Lorenz), University of Jena, Department of Economics.
    • 1993-1996: Assistant at the Institute for Statistics and Econometrics (Prof. Dr. P. Stahlecker), University of Hamburg, Department of Economics. Graduation: Dr. rer. pol..
    • 1990-1993: Assistant at the Chair for Economic Policy (Prof. Dr. U. Müller), University of Hannover.
    • 1984-1989: Studying economics at the University of Hannover, Faculty of Economics. Degree: Diplom-Ökonom.
    • 1972-1984: Visiting school in Kassel.
    • 1965: Born in Kassel.
  • Faculty Service