Corona Altersvorsorge

Corona-crisis: Impact on financial decisions and consequences for retirement provision

New policy brief by Jana Schuetz and Silke Uebelmesser as DIFIS Impuls
Corona Altersvorsorge
Image: pikisuperstar / Freepik


Demographic change has consequences for the sustainability of statutory pension insurance. For the population, this means more personal responsibility for old-age provision in an environment of increasing uncertainty. The coronavirus crisis, with business closures, lockdowns and short-time working, has meant that some people have less money at their disposal and have had to revise their pension decisions. This article examines the effects of the coronavirus crisis on the financial decisions of the population in Germany and the expected negative consequences for old-age provision.

The text (in German) can be fund here: Deutsches Institut für Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung ( link